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Updream 엎드림교회

Our Mission

엎드림교회의 미션은 마태복음 28장 19-20절 말씀에 순종하여 제자를 양육하고 같이 협력하여 더 많은 교회를 세워나가는 사역에 있으며 또한 하나님의 복음을 들고 땅끝까지 가서 좋은 소식을 전할 선교사들을 파송하는 사역에 있습니다.

찬양과 손을 들다


NexGen Worship

Welcome to NexGen Worship, the youth group at Updream Church where we actively seek after God, humbly listen to His voice, and obediently follow Jesus. We believe that the next generation has the potential to make a significant impact on the world for Christ, and we are committed to equipping and empowering our young people to do just that.


Upward Worship (Kinder-5th Grade)

Welcome to Upward Worship, the children's worship program at Updream Church! We believe that children have a special place in God's heart and that they can have a powerful encounter with Him at a young age. 

기도 어린이
작은 손


Dream Kids (Toddler - PreK)

Welcome to Dream Kids, the program for children ages 2 to pre-Kindergarten at Updream Church! We believe that even our youngest members can have a powerful and meaningful encounter with God, and we are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment where they can do just that.


2FD (EM)

Welcome to 2FD, the college and young adult worship group at Updream Church! We believe that this stage of life can be both exciting and challenging, and we are committed to providing a space where you can grow in your faith, build meaningful relationships, and pursue God's plans and purposes for your life.

성경 공부


Discipleship Program

We invite you to join our discipleship program at Updream Church! Our discipleship program is designed to help you grow in your faith and become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Through small group studies, one-on-one mentorship, and intentional accountability, you will have the opportunity to deepen your understanding of God's Word, develop your spiritual gifts, and apply biblical principles to your everyday life.

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Phone: 404 966 1428


Address: 45 Old Peachtree Road NW Ste 1300 Suwanee, GA 30024

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